This website offers self-help content which are personal opinions for informational purposes only. It does not offer advice of any kind and is not intended to be a substitute for medical care and supervision from a licensed professional. Be under regular and ongoing care and supervision by your doctor. Feel free to refer to any of the below mentioned resources and referrals that may support you in your journey. This page may be updated from time to time so please come back to it if you are looking for resources.

Emergency Help (If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, right away contact emergency services)

  • Local Emergency Services in your country (such as 911 for USA)

  • Emergency Room / Urgent Care at a nearby local healthcare facility

  • Your own clinical care team: Your first, primary and ongoing point of contact for all your healthcare needs should be your licensed doctor. Please contact them for emergencies as well and they can advise you on next steps and may be able to refer you to specialized care

  • Other emergency resources that may help by themselves or connect you with local services include:

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1800-799-7233
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1800 273 8255
International Association for Suicide Prevention (
If you need to report suspected abuse to a child, contact Child Protective Services 1800-422-4453.
If you need to report suspected abuse to an elderly person, contact National Center on Elder Abuse 1800-677-1116

  • Your own trusted emergency contact, family and/or friend

Non-Emergency Help

Your own clinical care team: Your first, primary and ongoing point of contact for all your healthcare needs should be your licensed doctor. Please contact them for non-emergencies as well and they can advise you on next steps and may be able to refer you to specialized care. Be in contact with your clinical team such as doctor, psychiatrist, therapist and/or other licensed healthcare provider.

If you are looking for online therapists, there is a popular online platform called BetterHelp ( Please be mindful and do your own independent research when making selections.

Your own trusted emergency contact, family and/or friend